The most beautiful festive season is coming. In order to enjoy not only Christmas, New Year’s Eve but also the entire Advent season, we at the Slovak Health Spa Piešťany have prepared several irresistible offers for you. Relax during pre-Christmas bust and enjoy long December evenings in our wellness facilities, procedures or walking in the beautiful Spa Park. We also thought of your loved ones. Enjoy them with a unique gift in the form of a voucher for spa stays, which you will get until Christmas with a significant discount.
See the offer here (in Slovak language only)
Najkrajšie sviatočné obdobie roka sa blíži. Aby ste si užili nielen Vianoce, Silvestra ale aj celé adventné obdobie v Kúpeľoch Piešťany sme pre Vás pripravili niekoľko neodolateľných ponúk. Oddýchnite si počas predvianočného zhonu a vychutnajte si dlhé decembrové večery v našich wellness zariadeniach, pri procedúrach alebo prechádzkou v krásnom Kúpeľnom parku. Mysleli sme aj na Vašich blízkych. Potešte ich jedinečným darčekom v podobe poukazu na kúpeľné pobyty, ktorý len do Vianoc získate s výraznou zľavou.