Bratislava, 12 February 2019

At the end of April this year, we will see the continuation of the successful conference – European Compliance Forum – which the organizers themselves say will get “to the heart of the matter”.   

This year´s conference will focus on the effectiveness of compliance programs with a focus on the processes of the prevention of individual human failure. The program will be divided into three thematic blocks. The first will address compliance in the ethical and theoretical context. The second will offer a practical view at experience from “real business”. The third block will focus on forensic compliance, which means exploring the motivation for failures of staff as well as top managers, corporate fraud investigations, forensic interviewing techniques, and cyber threats.

During the two days of the conference, the participants will meet excellent speakers, listen to real and instructive stories, interesting topics, and try to solve real issues through workshops. Many of the interesting personalities at the lectern and on the panels are among the best in their fields in the Czecho-Slovak space, Europe, and even the world. Some of the notable names include:

  • Cliff Lansley, Director of Paul Ekman International Plc., Behavioural Consultant, Adviser to BBC, secret services and security forces of several countries.
  • Jaroslav Spišiak, Director of Protection and Defence for SLOVNAFT, a.s., former President of the Police Corps of SR from 2010 to 2012
  • Juraj Szabó, Member of the Executive Board of the Czech Association of Compliance
  • Ján Vittek, Head of the Compliance Division of Tatra banka a.s., Member of the Board of Slovak Compliance Circle and Head of the AML & Compliance Working Group at the Commission for Banking and Financial Operations Security of the Slovak Banking Association
  • Tomáš Zaťko, CEO of CITADELO, ethical hacker and leading IT security expert
  • Cátia Pedro, Lead Forensic Investigator at Johnson Controls

The conference, which will take place under the auspices of the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic, is being organized by RUŽIČKA AND PARTNERS and Deloitte.

Lucie Schweizer of RUŽIČKA AND PARTNERS says, “After the exceptional success of European Compliance Forum 2017, we were almost immediately determined to continue with this format. And although it has taken more than a year to arrive at the preparation stage for the second conference, our enthusiasm has not diminished. Moreover, we see that the issue of compliance in the Slovak corporate environment is moving more to the forefront and is increasingly important for C-suite managers. In addition, we have succeeded in putting together a very interesting program that brings different and new views on compliance and is, in my opinion, even more attractive than the first year’s program.”

Pavla Hladká, a forensic expert from the consulting firm Deloitte Advisory, adds, “Conferences of this type and level in Slovakia, but also in Central Europe, are few. The importance of setting the right ‘tone at the top‘, introducing effective compliance programs and preventive measures against fraud in organizations is even more urgent when there are daily reports in the media of failures by employees and even top managers from different sectors and countries., In addition to financial damage, every failure for an organization means the risk of damage to its reputation and threats to business. We are pleased to be able to take part in organizing the conference and facilitating experience sharing, tips and best practice among participants, and thus improving the business environment.“

The European Compliance Forum 2019 will be held on 25 and 26 April 2019 at Zochova chata Hotel in Modra. For detailed information about the event and the registration form, please go to