Zažili sme neobyčajné kino, ktoré voňalo čokoládou, zábavou a svetielkom nádeje.
Film Wonka je úplne nové, rodinné spracovanie príbehu, napísané podľa knihy známeho britského autora Roalda Dahla Charlie a továreň na čokoládu. 13. decembra zažili naši patróni, členovia a podporovatelia spolu so svojimi ratolesťami čarovný večer. Vďaka nášmu partnerovi, Continental film sme ako prví na Slovensku mohli zažiť premiéru tejto klasiky s charizmatickým Timothée Chalamet v hlavnej úlohe.
Na predstavenie sa tešili nielen deti, ale aj dospelí: ako nám v úvodnom príhovore povedal J.E. Nigel Baker, britský veľvyslanec, s knižkami Roalda Dahla vyrastal nielen on, ale aj naša ďalšia hosťka – pani Karen Eastwood, členka predstavenstva našej komory. Sme veľmi radi, že výťažkom z filmového predstavenia sme pomohli NIcolasovi so svalovou dystrofiou, za ktorého symbolický šek prevzali jeho rodičia.
Ďakujeme všetkým našim partnerom a sponzorom, ktorí pripravili pre deti, ich rodičov a Nicolasa nádherný večer.
Ďakujeme TESCO STORES SR, a. s. za sladké mikulášske balíčky, ASO VENDING za kvalitné čaje a kávu, Indalo farma and Sascha Carrez za výber výborných delikates, výhry od T.O.P. AUTO PREMIUM potešili milovníkov značky Jaguar Land Rover, Continental Film venovali voľné vstupenky do siete kín CINEMAX a výherca ceny Team Up pôjde aj s rodinou súťažiť v štýle Pevnosť Boyard.
Nechýbali ani knižky Roalda Dahla, ktoré venovalo kníhkupectvo Panta Rhei, s.r.o. O skvelú balónovú výzdobu sa postaral Partyland z Bory Mall a deti si užili aj Make Up kútik s odborníčkou na krásu Mary Kay Ďakujeme za úžasnú pomoc a spolumoderáciu Karen Eastwood a študentom a študentkám z The British International School Bratislava , ktorá bola zároveň zlatým sponzorom podujatia. Za láskavú podporu ďakujeme aj bronzovému partnerovi, Allen & Overy Bratislava.
Celú fotogalériu nájdete TU. Za fotografie ďakujeme

We experienced an extraordinary cinema that smelled of chocolate, fun and a light of hope.
The movie Wonka is a completely new, family adaptation of the story, based on the book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by the famous British author Roald Dahl. On December 13, our patrons, members and supporters experienced a magical evening together with their children. Thanks to our partner, Continental film, we were the first in Slovakia to experience the premiere of this classic with the charismatic Timothée Chalamet in the lead role.
Not only children, but also adults were looking forward to the performance: as J.E. told us in the opening speech. Nigel Baker, the British ambassador, grew up with Roald Dahl’s books, not only him, but also our next guest – Mrs. Karen Eastwood, a member of the board of our chamber. We are very happy that with the proceeds from the film screening, we helped NIcolas with muscular dystrophy, for whom his parents received a symbolic check.
We thank all our partners and sponsors who prepared a wonderful evening for the children, their parents and Nicolas.
We thank TESCO STORES SR, for sweet Santa packages, ASO VENDING for quality teas and coffee, Indalo Farma and Sascha Carrez for a selection of delicious delicacies, prizes from T.O.P. AUTO PREMIUM delighted Jaguar Land Rover lovers, Continental Film donated free tickets to the CINEMAX cinema network, and the winner of the Team Up prize will go with his family to compete in the Boyard Fortress style.
There were also books by Roald Dahl, which were donated by the bookstore Panta Rhei, s.r.o. Partyland from Bory Mall took care of the great balloon decoration, and the children also enjoyed the Make Up corner with beauty expert Mary Kay. Thank you for the amazing help and co-moderation of Karen Eastwood and the students from The British International School Bratislava, who was also the golden sponsor of the event. We also thank our bronze partner, Allen & Overy Bratislava, for their kind support.
Thank you for the photos
All pictures can be found HERE
