Competitive Identity a teda budovanie imidžu štátu pomáha rozvíjať obchod či cestovný ruch. Ak máte dobrý imidž, doslova lákate talenty a investície. To vyplýva zo slov profesora Simona Anholta, keynote speakra konferencie Competitive Identity, ktorú v Bratislave začiatkom júna zorganizovalo občianske združenie Brand Slovensko 30 a Anholt & Co., sa konala pod záštitou Ministerstva cestovného ruchu a športu SR. Okrem Britskej obchodnej komory SR boli partnermi podujatia Asociácia hotelov a reštaurácií Slovenska, ZMOS, Slovenský futbalový zväz, Fakulta managmentu UK BA, TMR, Bratislava Tourist Board a Superbrands.

Podľa slov S. Anholta, krajiny so silným pozitívnym imidžom sú lepšie vnímané ľuďmi mimo krajiny, čo prináša väčší počet záujemcov investovanie. To však nie je všetko, pretože tiež platí, že v nich každý chce žiť, pracovať a študovať. Na druhej strane, ak máte negatívny imidž, zlý alebo slabý imidž, nikto nevie, kto ste, všetko je ťažké a všetko je drahé.

Na konferencii profesora Anholta, zakladateľa disciplíny zameranej na imidž štátov a top autoritu v tejto oblasti, privítal tiež veľvyslanec Veľkej Británie na Slovensku, J.E. Nigel Baker.

Competitive Identity and thus building the image of the state helps to develop business or tourism. If you have a good image, you literally attract talent and investment. This follows from the words of Professor Simon Anholt, the keynote speaker of the Competitive Identity conference, which was organized in Bratislava at the beginning of June by the civic association Brand Slovensko 30 and Anholt & Co., and was held under the patronage of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Slovak Republic. In addition to the British Chamber of Commerce, the partners of the event were the Association of Hotels and Restaurants of Slovakia, ZMOS, the Slovak Football Association, Faculty of Management UK BA, TMR, Bratislava Tourist Board and Superbrands.

According to S. Anholt, countries with a strong positive image are better perceived by people outside the country, which brings a greater number of investors. But that’s not all, because it’s also true that everyone wants to live, work and study in them. On the other hand, if you have a negative image, a bad or weak image, nobody knows who you are, everything is difficult and everything is expensive.

At the conference, Professor Anholt, the founder of the discipline focused on the image of states and the top authority in this field, was also welcomed by the Ambassador of Great Britain to Slovakia, H.E. Nigel Baker.