Ďakujeme nášmu Patrónovi, T.O.P. AUTO PREMIUM a.s., ktorý nás a členov našej BritCham komunity pozval 25. mája 2023 na vernisáž výstavy Ivety Lederer a Jána Lehotského pod názvom Nečakaná radosť v priestoroch T.O.P. AUTO PREMIUM Art Gallery na Rožňavskej 30 v Bratislave.
Výstava je prístupná do 15. septembra 2023 v pracovné dni od 8.00 do 18.00 hod.
Iveta Ledererová je známa ako módna návrhárka a výtvarníčka, Janka Lehotského si väčšina z nás spája s hudbou. Na vernisáži sa však predstavil aj ako umelec z úplne inej oblasti, svoje umelecké cítenie pretavil do artefaktov z dreva. Vystavené diela určite odporúčame vidieť na vlastné oči, možno sa inšpirujete alebo vás niektoré z diel osloví natoľko, že si ho zakúpite.
Hostiteľ podujatia, Peter Dudoň, Managing Director v T.O.P. AUTO PREMIUM previedol priestormi aj Richarda Brighta, člena predstavenstva BritCham a Senior Plant Quality manažéra v nitrianskom závode Jaguar Land Rover Slovakia. Zúčastnili sa aj zástupkyne BritCham: Ivona Žitná, Event & Relationship manažérka a Miroslava Remenárová, predsedníčka predstavenstva.

Thanks to our Patron, T.O.P. AUTO PREMIUM a.s., which invited us and members of our BritCham community on May 25, 2023, to the opening of the exhibition of Iveta Lederer and Ján Lehotský under the name Unexpected Joy in the premises of T.O.P. AUTO PREMIUM Art Gallery at Rožňavská 30 in Bratislava.
The exhibition is open until September 15, 2023 on weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Iveta Lederová is known as a fashion designer and artist, most of us associate Janko Lehotský with music. However, at the opening, he also presented himself as an artist from a completely different field, he transformed his artistic sensibilities into wooden artifacts. We definitely recommend seeing the exhibited works with your own eyes, maybe you will get inspired or one of the works will appeal to you so much that you will buy it.
The host of the event, Peter Dudoň, Managing Director at T.O.P. AUTO PREMIUM showed Richard Bright, member of the BritCham Board and Senior Plant Quality Manager at the Jaguar Land Rover Slovakia plant in Nitra, around the premises. BritCham representatives also took part: Ivona Žitná, Event & Relationship Manager and Miroslava Remenárová, Chairwoman of the Board.
Photos: Razvan Amarandei, BritCham archive