Ďalšie podujatie v obľúbenom formáte britských raňajok sa uskutočnilo 21. júna 2023 v Bratislave a o dva dni neskôr v Košiciach. Naša komora je prvou, ktorá podpísala Race to Zero, a tak téma dlhodobej udržateľnosti patrí medzi naše strategické. Aj preto sme vďační za spoluprácu spoločnosti CTP, ktorá sa stala odborným garantom júnových raňajok. Aktuálnej ESG téme Energeticky úsporná prevádzka priemyselných budov sa venoval expert v tejto oblasti, Peter Janko, Head of Property Management v spoločnosti CTP. Zdieľal praktické tipy a metódy, ako znížiť firemné náklady a zlepšiť ESG ukazovatele energeticky efektívnou prevádzkou budov.

Vo svojom príspevku odhalil, aké sú hlavné aspekty legislatívy energetickej efektívnosti vzťahujúce sa na priemyselné budovy, predstavil priame a nepriame opatrenia zamerané na zníženie spotreby energie v priemyselných budovách a načrtol aj, aké budú energetické štandardy priemyselných budov v budúcnosti a ako sa na ne pripraviť. Zaujímavá prezentácia Petra Janka, ktorého podporil Ivan Pastier, Business Development Director v spoločnosti CTP následne vyvolala živú diskusiu.

British Breakfast with CTP, The Nook restaurant, Bratislava, June 21, 2023

Another event in the popular British breakfast format took place on June 21, 2023 in Bratislava and two days later in Košice. Our chamber was the first among the chambers to sign Race to Zero, and the topic of long-term sustainability is one of our strategic ones. That is also why we are grateful for the cooperation of the CTP company, which became the professional guarantor of the June breakfast. The current ESG topic Energy-efficient Operation of Industrial Buildings was addressed by an expert in this field, Peter Janko, Head of Property Management at CTP. He shared practical tips and methods to reduce company costs and improve ESG indicators through energy efficient building operations.

In his contribution, he revealed the main aspects of energy efficiency legislation related to industrial buildings, presented direct and indirect measures aimed at reducing energy consumption in industrial buildings, and also outlined what the energy standards of industrial buildings will be in the future and how to prepare for them. An interesting presentation by Peter Janko, who was supported by Ivan Pastier, Business Development Director at CTP, subsequently sparked a lively discussion.

British Breakfast with CTP, Kaviareň Slávia, Košice, June 23, 2023


About CTP

CTP is Europe’s largest listed owner, developer, and manager of logistics and industrial real estate by gross lettable area,owning 10.9 million sqm of GLA across 10 countries as at 31 March 2023. CTP certifies all new buildings to BREEAM Very good or better and earned a ‘Low-Risk’ ESG rating by Sustainalytics, underlining its commitment to being a sustainable business. For more information, visit CTP’s corporate website: www.ctp.eu