Capital Partners Partner

Let us introduce you the PPG Industrial Park (Priemyselný Park Gemer) – optimal site for your production set in a smart location proven by world’s leading producers.

Our main goal of the PPG project is to establish contact with large or medium-sized industrial investors who are looking for a suitable location in Slovakia for relocation of their production.

Main advantages of the PPG Industrial Park:

  1. Cost Efficient Production Base
  2. Disponible and Qualified Workforce
  3. Possibility of Investment Incentives
  4. Outstanding Condition
  5. Flexibility and Readiness for Deployment of Production


Leaflet – Data Sheet PPG Industrial Park – Slovakia (EU) 

More information can be found at the PPG Industrial Park website.

For further information, please contact:

Alan Sitár

Capital Partners Consulting 

Direct:  +421 903 711 777

Office:   +421 905 844 842

Skype:   alan.sitar / slovakia

