Povýšenia v slovenskom Bird & Bird tíme / Promotions in Slovak Bird & Bird team

Tlačová správa Ivan Kisely, advokát, ktorý doteraz pôsobil v bratislavskej kancelárii medzinárodnej advokátskej kancelárie Bird & Bird ako Counsel, bol vymenovaný za partnera s účinnosťou od 1. mája 2022. Ivan má 15 rokov skúseností v oblasti obchodného a zmluvného práva, fúzií a akvizícií a komplexného poradenstva spoločnostiam v obrannom a automobilovom priemysle. Venuje sa aj…

Press Release – Cushman & Wakefield

Dve tretiny slovenských firiem v kanceláriách ponúkajú zamestnancom prácu z domu -výsledky dotazníka nájomcov kancelárií- BRATISLAVA, 2. februára 2022 – Na základe posledných údajov z nedávneho prieskumu na trhu kancelárskych nájomcov na Slovensku realitno-poradenskej spoločnosti Cushman & Wakefield vyplýva, že dve tretiny slovenských firiem ponúkajú zamestnancom prácu z domu, uvedomujú si však výhody práce z kancelárie. Prieskum bol uskutočnený na…

Curfew will be valid at night; family gatherings allowed

Restaurants remain closed. Compiled by Spectator The government approved another round of milder measures. From December 17, people will be allowed to visit each other. The cabinet approved gatherings up to a maximum of six people, or for members of one household. This comes after Health Minister Vladimír Lengvarský told the public last week that…


“The GPI Group was established in September 1990 and GPI Europe a.s., a dedicated and regulated company in Europe registered in Bratislava Slovakia, commenced in January 2017.Our focused aim is to bring financial advice all people irrespective of their current financial position.We are dedicated to bringing trusted advice based upon a skilled assessment of present…

Crowdberry to hold its first Czech & Slovak forum on impact of growth capital

PRESS RELEASE Bratislava/Prague, 4 November 2021 – Czech and Slovak investors, company founders and entrepreneurs will meet to discuss and share their experience with growth capital and its impact on the value of companies. The first Crowdberry Forum is to be held on 23 November 2021 in the form of virtual conference and the program…

📢NEW MEMBER ALERT – CTP Invest Slovakia📢

CTP is a full-service developer and manager of high-tech customised industrial and logistics parks. Our portfolio spans 6.6 million m² of leasable space, making us the market leader in CEE and a top five developer in Europe. Our tenant network encompasses over 700 local and global companies, from a dynamic assortment of sectors, namely manufacturing,…

SmartHead at EXPO 2020 in Dubai

SmartHead to represent sustainable innovations at EXPO 2020 in Dubai After last year’s postponement, EXPO 2020 officially began on October 1st. This time, in exotic Dubai. With its solution – the digital Sustainability Profile – SmartHead will represent innovations in the field of digitisation of corporate sustainability. The company’s SaaS product fits perfectly into the…